Cyber Wellness
Cyber Wellness @ Hougang Primary
Cyber Wellness @ Hougang Primary, or CW@HGP for short, aims to develop HGPians into responsible and respectful digital learners. Guided by MOE’s Cyber Wellness Framework, there are various programmes planned and implemented to educate students in cyber wellness principles and anchor their well-being in cyberspace.

Picture : MOE’s Cyber Wellness Framework
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Agreement
Computing devices are used to support your learning in school and internet access allows you to search and share resources and interact with people from all over the world. To ensure that all students have a safe, conducive online learning experience, please abide by the following rules when you are using a computing device in the school.
You may refer to the document in the link below to view the AUP which can also be found in the Student's Handbook.
Acceptable Use Policy Agreement
Yearly Training for Cyber Wellness Student Ambassadors
4 to Primary 6 students who are selected as the Cyber Wellness Student
Ambassador (CWSA) of their class attend a training session where teachers
equip them with information on CW and share tips on how to advocate positive
online behaviours. Following that, the teachers meet up with the CWSAs
every term to pass them a poster with CW tips, which they will share with
their class during FTGP.
Safer Internet Day Celebration
Safer Internet
Day is celebrated in Hougang Primary every year with informative board
displays, interactive recess booths and an assembly programme. Besides
the CWSAs on duty to promote the event and man the booths, parent volunteers
are roped in to help out at the recess booths.
Useful Links for Parents
To help children navigate cyberspace safely, parents too play an important role in instilling CW values. Do check out the links below for practical tips and useful information on all CW-related issues.
S.U.R.E Campaign by National Library
Personal Data Protection Commission
Parents can set a good example at home in the use of technology and play
an active role in guiding their child to navigate cyberspace safely.
To complement the cyber wellness curriculum in schools, here are the steps
for PARENTing in the digital age: